What in My Bag?—Learning Ally—High Quality Audiobooks


This is a great place to start your content tool kit. Learning Ally is a low-cost, low-tech tool that should be the first tool that you get as you start to build your reading toolbox. It is a huge library of recorded books that you can get for a subscription price ($135/yr) .

How does it work?

Learning Ally has an annual subscription for $135 that allows you to download an unlimited number of recorded books and articles.

The recordings are delivered to your device of choice.
Software is provided to allow you to listen to downloaded content.

What makes it Great?

There is a huge library and it is growing all the time.
The library has currently popular books (like you see at the front of Barnes and Noble)
Classics that you’ll need for school.
Textbooks. Yes. Textbooks. You will find almost every textbook through high school and  college on tape.
And if they don’t have it on tape they will tape it for you.
The quality of the recordings is excellent. No computer voices here. Real people reading the books. Some are famous actors and actresses who volunteer to read for Learning Ally.
It’s a great deal. The subscription price is low when you consider that it covers an unlimited number of recorded books.

Where does it fall short?

Used to be free but now carries an annual subscription of $135

How do I get started?

Visit the website at www.learningally.org
Sign up for a subscription.
Download the software to your preferred device or devices.
Get your first book and enjoy.


Some tips from Paul:

I like to read along with taped books. I feel like I get more out of it and that it helps with my reading when I’m not using recorded books. Try it and see what you think”
“Recorded books are a great companion on long trips”

Dad’s two cents:

We never would have gotten through high school and college without RFD&B.
“Learning Ally will tape books by request. More on this later


Learning Ally and the Tool Page for more Support