Life After Benchmark


Six Benchmark alumni, Stephen Chase ‘06, Kate Netter Bailey ‘00, Dan Otto í00, Kane Kalas ‘04, Ross Mattis ‘91, and Paul Shump ‘96, shared their journeys since graduating from Benchmark at the school’s first Alumni Career Day on March 24. Digital First Media

UPPER PROVIDENCE >> What is life really like after Benchmark School? On March 24, current students and parents had the opportunity to find out the answer to this question through Benchmark School’s first-ever “Alumni Career Day –Life After Benchmark” event.

The full-day event featured six Benchmark alumni — Kate Netter Bailey ‘00, Stephen Chase ‘06, Kane Kalas ‘04, Ross Mattis ‘91, Dan Otto ’00, and Paul Shump ‘96 — sharing their journeys since graduating from Benchmark and explaining how their Benchmark experience continues to influence their lives.

“We purposefully chose alums with very different career paths to show the students the wide array of possibilities for their future,” said Louisa Hanshew, Director of Development and Alumni Association Liaison. “These particular alumni had careers ranging from public relations and marketing, to financial planning, owning a brokerage firm, sports operation management, and being a professional poker player, and it was interesting to hear their varying perspectives and paths.”

First meeting with lower school students and then with middle school students, the alums discussed their current career and their path to where they are today, memories of their Benchmark days, and advice for current students. Finally, the alumni were involved in a group panel discussion with fifth to eighth graders and parents, which featured a Q&A portion where the alums answered questions ranging from their favorite Benchmark teacher and class to their advice on going into high school, overcoming obstacles, and what they might do differently knowing what they do now. In answering the questions, the alumni agreed that learning to be a self-advocate, take feedback in a positive way, and be reflective are among the many Benchmark strategies they still carry with them today.- Advertisement -  TOP ARTICLES1/5READ MOREOnce again Swarthmore opens NCAA tourney at home

“The event went better than we could have ever hoped,” said Head of Middle School Eleanor Gensemer. “Not only did our current students benefit from hearing about all the amazing things that Benchmark graduates have accomplished, but it was also great for our staff members to enjoy an opportunity to reconnect with their former students. We certainly hope this will become an annual tradition at Benchmark!”

About Benchmark School

Benchmark School, located at 2107 N. Providence Road, Media, Pa., is an independent, not-for-profit day school serving students in grades 1-8. Founded in 1970, the school is committed to helping bright students who have yet to reach their academic potential become lifelong learners, thinkers and problem-solvers who meet with success in school and life. For more information about Benchmark School, please call 610-565-3741 or visit

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